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Brand Integrity vs. Brand Equity: The Relationship Between Trust and Value

Bold Narratives
Bold Narratives
June 28, 2023
5 min read

When most company executives think of “branding” they most often describe it as an investment in a strong visual identity, catchy slogans, and memorable logos to ensure their brand is easily recognizable in the crowded marketplace. The allure of brand visibility lies in its potential to attract new customers, create brand recall, and generate sales. Brand visibility refers to the extent to which a brand is recognized and remembered by customers. Some marketers also refer to brand strategy as a focus on brand personality.

While important, brand visibility is not enough to drive deeper customer relationships. A simple commodity or consumer good typically serves a specific one-time purpose and is easily interchangeable with substitute goods. These goods are often low-cost, widely available, and do not require much thought or consideration before purchase. Examples of simple commodities include everyday household items like toothpaste, paper towels, or basic food staples. While branding still plays a valuable role driving purchase intent and brand recall, the strategies and tactics are different for more complex goods like technology or services.

A complex good requires consideration - a more involved decision-making process. Customers typically invest more time, effort, and research into evaluating and comparing various options before making a purchase decision. Complex goods often come with higher price points and may have a long-term impact on the buyer's life or business. Examples of complex goods include cars, high-end electronics, appliances, and professional services.

With complex goods, customers expect a higher level of satisfaction and performance from their purchase due to the investment and consideration involved. Therefore, any branding strategy for a complex good must further support a deeper and more sustainable relationship with the customer over time.

Establishing Trust

Brand equity is a term that represents the value or worth associated with a brand. It is the culmination of various tangible and intangible factors such as brand recognition, reputation, customer perception, and financial performance. Brand equity encompasses the monetary value a brand holds in the market, often measured through financial metrics like revenue, market share, and customer lifetime value.

While brand integrity builds trust, brand equity focuses on delivering value to customers. This value can be in the form of product quality, innovation, unique features, exceptional customer service, or even emotional benefits associated with the brand. Brand equity drives customer preference and willingness to pay a premium for a brand's offerings, giving the brand a competitive advantage in the market.

When customers perceive a brand as valuable, they are more likely to choose it over competitors, even if it means paying a higher price. A brand with strong equity has established itself as a reliable source of value and differentiation, ensuring its sustained success.

The Benefits of a Brand Integrity Campaign

Brand integrity encompasses the principles, values, and ethical standards a company upholds. It requires a commitment to transparency, customer satisfaction, and responsible business practices. Companies that prioritize brand integrity build a strong foundation of trust and loyalty, which ultimately leads to sustainable success. Here are a few reasons why brand integrity should be a primary focus, especially for complex products and services that require a considered purchase:

  • Long-Term Relationships: By prioritizing brand integrity, companies can foster genuine and lasting relationships with their customers. When consumers trust a brand, they are more likely to become repeat customers, recommend the brand to others, and forgive occasional mistakes.
  • Differentiation: In a competitive marketplace, brand integrity can be a unique selling point. By standing out as an honest and responsible company, a brand can differentiate itself from competitors, attracting customers who value integrity and ethical behavior.
  • Crisis Resilience: Building a foundation of trust through brand integrity provides companies with resilience during crises. When faced with challenges or negative events, a brand with a strong reputation can rely on the trust it has established to weather the storm and recover more effectively.

Building Trust

Trust is the cornerstone of successful customer relationships. When customers trust a brand, they feel confident in its products or services, and they are more likely to engage in repeat purchases and become loyal advocates. Brand integrity fosters trust by demonstrating reliability, accountability, and ethical behavior. It ensures that a brand consistently meets or exceeds customer expectations, leaving no room for disappointment or doubt.

Richard Edelman, President and CEO of Edelman said, “In an era where companies are increasingly transparent, the only sustainable competitive advantage is an organization’s ability to build and maintain trust.”

Trust creates an emotional connection between customers and the brand, leading to long-term loyalty.

When Relationships Matter

Although both brand integrity and brand equity are important for a brand's success, brand integrity holds greater significance when building long-term relationships with customers.

Any discrepancy between a brand's promises and actions can quickly damage its reputation and erode customer trust. In contrast, a brand known for its integrity earns customer loyalty, advocacy, and positive word-of-mouth, all of which contribute to long-term success.

“Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship,” said Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors. “It is earned over time through consistent behavior and a track record of reliability.”

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Mary Teresa Barra is an American businesswoman who has been the chair and chief executive officer of General Motors since January 15, 2014. She is the first female CEO of a 'Big Three' automaker.

The connection between relationship marketing and brand integrity lies in the fact that relationship marketing strategies can help strengthen and uphold brand integrity. When companies prioritize building strong relationships with their customers, they engage in open and honest communication, deliver on their promises, and consistently provide high-quality products or services. These actions contribute to the overall perception of the brand's integrity.

Regis McKenna, a renowned marketing consultant and author, emphasized the relationship between marketing and brand integrity. According to McKenna, marketing is not just about promoting products or services; it encompasses the entire customer experience, from initial interaction to ongoing support. He believed that marketing should be viewed as a strategic function within an organization, responsible for shaping and maintaining the brand's integrity.

McKenna argued that brand integrity is crucial for long-term success and sustainability. When marketing efforts are aligned with the brand's core values and consistently deliver on customer expectations, trust is built, and brand integrity is reinforced. He stressed the importance of understanding the customer's needs, building relationships based on trust, and ensuring that the brand's actions are congruent with its stated values and promises.

Brand Integrity and Leadership Momentum

Leadership momentum is a function of the customer’s perception of mass, speed, and direction in a given market category. At Bold Narratives, we use the Leadership Momentum framework to guide our strategic positioning and communication recommendations for all our clients. After crafting the most compelling story based on the organization’s unique position and value proposition, we then develop a comprehensive leadership momentum communications plan to ensure the story reaches customers and other stakeholders.

An organization with sustainable leadership momentum is considered the inevitable leader of the category. Inevitability is critical because customers, partners, and other stakeholders need reassurance that an organization is relevant, sustainable, and consistent with the direction of the market.

One of the six variables in the Leadership Momentum framework is Brand Integrity. It is one of the primary drivers of strategic direction for the company.

For more information about how a brand integrity campaign can help you build stronger, richer relationships with your customers, book a meeting with our team here: Bold Story Q&A. Or visit us at